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the Bleeding Hollow clan, led by Kilrogg Deadeye, participated in the first attack on Stormwind City, along with the Twilight's Hammer clan, led by Cho'gall, This first attack was an unmitigated disaster for the orcs, and Deadeye and Cho'gall blamed the failure on each other. A rift soon grew that threatened to rip the Horde apart before it had even begun its conquest of Azeroth. Gul'dan quickly stepped in to quell the problem, reinstalling Blackhand as Warchief of the Horde, despite all this, The Bleeding Hollow Clan is a group of cunning and feral hunters, and considered to be the best guerrilla fighters in the Orcish Horde.

Hordeskull The Clans of the Horde Hordeskull
BlackrockFlag Blackrock Clan . BleedingHollowflag Bleeding Hollow Clan . Thunderlordflag Thunderlord Clan . Blacktoothgrinflag Black Tooth Grin Clan . Twilightflag Twlight's Hammer Clan . Dragonmawflag Dragonmaw Clan